Monday, February 12, 2007


by Lynda Crane

We sat together on the stone wall we'd passed nearly daily those years-out-of-mind, quietly, without words, and knew that our lives had moved now onto rare earth.

A Valentine For Al
by Lynda Crane

Friends have told you
How I feel
Their impressions
Their projections
They are sure they know

This, my attempt to speak for myself, is for you:

Warm summer days
Suffused with energy and light
We are on the bike
The wind in our faces
A river, a park, sitting on curbs

Pretty words, a gentle touch
someone close, someone near
Ideas, disappointments
Bodies and music
Sharing—a beautiful word

The feeling of OHM when the chanter
Is one with the Universe
Our karma moves on
Other places, other lovers, other dreams
My Soul is richer, my world is brighter.
Your's has been shared with me.

Irish Coffee and Sex on Valentine's Day
submitted by Kalman Kivkovich

An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician before Valentine's Day, to ask his help in reviving her husband's libido.
"What about trying Viagra?" the doctor said.
"Not a chance, he won't even take an aspirin."
"Not a problem, give him an Irish Viagra."
"Irish Viagra . . . ?"
"Yes. Put it in his coffee. There is no scent and it's flavorless."
"Give it a try . . . call me and let me know how things went."

A week after Valentine's Day the woman was back to see her physician. " 'T'was horrid. Just plain awful, doctor!"
"Really? What happened?"
"Well . . . I did as you advised . . . I slipped it in his coffee---the effect was instant. He jumped straight up---a twinkle in his eye . . ."
"Yes, go on . . ."
"His pants . . ."
"Yes . . ."
"They were bulging! Then . . . with one swoop he sent the cups and tablecloth flying. He ripped my clothes to tatters and took me right then and there . . ."
"And . . ." The doctor was amused.
"He made wild, passionate love to me on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!"
"Why so terrible? The sex wasn't good?"
"Oh, no, Doctor, the sex was great! 'Twas the best I've had in thirty years! The problem is that I'll never be able to show my face in Starbucks again!"

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